Donald Patrick Hayes - Husband

1991 June 08

Created by Carol 13 years ago
The wedding ceremony was held at the Espicopal Church in Steamboat Springs. Scottish bagpipes and drums rang through the church. Purple and teal were their colors. The night of the rehearsal the bagpipes played Amazing Grace and with all of us focused on Mom not being able to travel to the wedding - not a dry eye in the church. The day of the wedding, the sadness was overpowered by a gathering of loving and happy people and the song filled us with joy and love. The day was videoed by Dennis. He went to all extremes to capture the whole day - from interviews with the bagpipers, to the tennis shoes of the alter boy. He videoed Elaine preparing for her day - and she had the opportunity to talk to Mom. The reception was outdoors - and the only sprinkle that happened that day displayed those 'tears from heaven'. Elaine and Don even danced the Scottish Reel - quite a memorable time. Mom and Dad enjoyed the video over and over and were excited each viewing of Elaine and Don's special day.